Friday, July 18, 2008

Just some thoughts 7-18-08

As part of our weekly schedule, we spend a number of meals together. This week, we had both wednesday and thursday dinners at our house. Anjali, my housemate, made an amazing Indian Curry (it takes like four hours to make!) yesterday. While 12 of us were seated outside at our table, enjoying our dinner, our fourth housemate decided to come by and visit. Mind you, he is an illegal squatter who has taken up residence on our roof. Yeah, it's a raccoon! It's a little disturbing to see him climb down the back stairs, as he seems to be rather use to humans. 

On wednesday this week, we met with a ministry called "Genesis Vancouver". It is a ministry to women with small babies who are transitioning out of drug abuse and sex-trade. The leader of the house is an elderly lady who laughed and smiled more times in the few hours we spent with her, than I've seen anyone do in a long time! The joy that seeps through her is quite fascinating, considering the ungreatfull people she works with!

Since we are currently in the "listening" phase of our time at Nieu Communities, we are spending a lot of time, visiting and hearing about ministries here in Vancouver. The goal of this first "posture" is for us to be able to listen to where God is leading us this year (in regards to ministry), and also to set a rythem in place for life! 

Anyway, more to come. P.S. The little kid (his name is Grey) is one of the four children on the team. Here, he decided dinner didn't look as good as the dirt....

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