Thursday, October 9, 2008

The end of gardening

Since fall has arrived and with it colder, rainier weather, our weekly time in the community garden is coming to an end. The community garden is an empty housing lot that was converted into a garden about a year ago. It took months and months and countless truck loads of compost to establish the beautiful patch of green near our house. Many residents of the area grow vegetables there, as well as people from a local church and us, Nieu Communities. Most of the produce that comes from the land is then used for the churches homeless ministry (sometimes, we've been able to take some veggies home as well).
Usually, before we begin gardening, we'd eat lunch together. We called it: "Simple Meal" as everyone would bring whatever "treasures" they happened to have in the fridge and share them. The neighbor lady would usually bring over a bottle of homemade wine at that point and we'd feast and worship together. 

As a community, Nieu Communities will now shift our group ministry to other things. There's an abundance of need and opportunities for volunteers here, and being able to join something as a group is fantastic! I can't say that I will miss the weeding or the bugs, but spending time caring for God's creation was a wonderful experience. 

1 comment:

ben said...

just found your site through facebook -- very cool...enjoy seeing what life is like for you nowadays...