Monday, June 23, 2008

Tue, 6-23-08 End of Orientation

It's here. The end of my orientation! One of our final events included visiting Grandville Island, a unique cluster of art shops, cafes, and farmers markets. 

On thursday, we drove to a college campus and did a ropes course together. This being a typical team-building event, turned out to be a lot more challenging than I expected! The ropes were strung from tree to tree at least 10m off the ground (about 30 feet!). Ok, so that isn't super high, but when you're standing on something that resembles dental floss, it seems a lot higher. 

As the grand finale, we spent friday on yet an other retreat. This time, we piled into a car, and I drove us to a monastery about 2 hours away. Our objective was to take the full day to reflect in complete solitude on what we were learning these last three weeks. We each had our own room, including a hard couch and a little cross on the wall (just like in the movies!), and were left to enjoy the silence. (I did spot a few monks playing cards in the afternoon).

Now the first stage of Nieu Communities begins. But, until I understand it better, I won't try to explain it to you yet.  Cheers!

1 comment:

Thomas said...

congrats! thanks for the pics and updates. seems like you and the team are getting along fine. and now it's time for another transition as you move out of orientation into another nebulous period of time that requires definition only accessible through time and experience.
i pray that you continue to have time to reflect where your heart has been these past weeks and even months. i'm grateful you make the time to update us despite all that which you could be doing and thinking and so on. i was stoked to hear about your journey to the monastery. is that part of orientation or an impromptu thing you put together? may you in full confidence approach God; each day and moment sharing your heart with Him. Fear not when you don't know something or are experiencing things that which challenge your paradigm; Fear the Lord and ask for wisdom.

"The Lord your God is with you,
he is mighty to save.
He will take great delight in you,
he will quiet you with his love,
he will rejoice over you within singing."
Zephaniah 3:17