Sunday, January 11, 2009

What happens to homeless in the cold?

Oh the freezing weather. Well, it's not actually that bad any more, but lucky me, Vancouver had more snow this year, than anytime within the last 20+ years. The other day, as I was adding a fourth layer to my clothing, a thought struck me. "I wonder what the homeless do in this kind of weather?" 
I finished bundling up and decided to walk downtown. There, as I walked the streets of the notorious "Downtown Eastside", I noticed that there was little difference in the amount of activity that went on. I saw just as many people dealing drugs, women in mini skirts waiting for cars to pull up, and people sitting on snow-covered benches smoking crack, as I do on warm days.
Whereas most human beings hole up in their warm and cozy homes, the world of drug addicts goes on as usual. 
I think it was then that I realized just how strong Satan's grip was on these people. Despite the -11C (that is 12F) degrees that is was, people were willing to do anything for their next fix. Simply the weather alone could cause 
major damage or even death to any one of those frail bodies that stood at street corners in T-Shirts. 
My walk became a prayer walk, as my heart was saddened at what I saw. 
When I made it home and had curled up by my heater, defrosting my toes, I thanked God for the life he has blessed me with. God has kept me alive and healthy for 27 years. Wow. 
That was a powerful walk that afternoon. 

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