Saturday, June 7, 2008

Making it to Vancouver...

After catching a boarder guard in a bad mood (grumble), I finally made it to Vancouver BC. An incredibly beautiful city, now to be my new home for the next year. 
I live in 
East Vancouver, off of Commercial Drive. If any of you have been here, you'll know that it's a popular hippy-kind-of-area that is jam-packed with Cafes, Shops, Pubs, 
and Supermarkets. It draws all kinds of people from Backpackers, Tourists, and Homeless to Urban-City-Dwellers, Families, and Weed-Smoking-Hippies. I love the plethora of faces you find here and 
the fact that everything is within walking distance! 
My Nieu Communities Team consists of two families with little kids (the children are sooo cute!!) 
and my housemates and I. 

Emmanuel comes from Cameroon and Anjolie is from India and together we occupy the quaintest little house.Thanks to Tim, Andrea, and Katharina (my friends from LA) who helped move me in, I feel quite at home in my new room. 
As Orientation takes three weeks, we spent the first week on Galiano Island together. 
Though it felt a little crazy to run off on a retreat the moment I arrived here, it was a great way to jump start knowing each other. The Staff is a team of six, all well adjusted to life in Canada (Many of them had originally worked with the Nieu Communities Team in South Africa or had been Apprentices themselves in Vancouver).
So, there's plenty more to write about, but for now..... Cheers!


Katharina said...

Yay! I'm so glad that everything is going well! :) I love your room, super cute.
Love you!

Shannon said...

How exciting! Your room really reflects your personality :)

Claudia said...

Great to hear from you and see the photos. You are now starting your "nieu adventure" and we are excited for you. Love Mom

Tim and Andrea said...

Adelheid! Your room turned out great! It looks like home :) Glad to hear from you and see your smiling face. When do we get to see you again??

Thomas said...

Your room looks so fun! What a blessing to have decent living accommodations. I'm excited for you and your diverse team; different life stages, relationships, and cultural backgrounds.. I look forward to hearing more!

a.cindi said...

I love your room. It makes me sad to see you with the cute little boy because we miss you back here. We are, of course, thrilled that you are obedient to God's calling on your life. Julia said the other day, "I had this dream last night that Heidi was at our door crying and said she wanted to come back" - A day before that Joy asked, "does anyone else miss Heidi besides me?" And, yet another time Jamee told me that you guys were laughing about Dr Laura telling people to 'now go do the right thing!' Meanwhile I had to help Jacko with her hair & makeup for graduation (!!) - you were thought of believe me!!... each of us miss you, think of you, pray for you, talk about you... We are going to love checking out your life details on this blog. Thanks for setting it up.
Aunt Cindi & gang

Unknown said...

Hey it looks like you're getting into ya new life pretty well :)

your room looks petty cool

here's to a great time!

Dan said...

Sweet blog. Keep us updated!

Carli said...

AH! I love that you have become a Blogger! It makes the stalking so much easier!


Christy said...

Schwester, Schwester, fuer mich bist Du die Sahnetorte, ich wuerd dich gern besuchen! I am so happy that YOU are happy! We'd really love to visit you... Maybe sometime in Spring? Love, The Royal Aanderuds